Sunday, September 21, 2014

A New Grade, A New Life

One month down in a new school year. It is going fast already! There is so much to tell....

First off, my summer was fantastic! It was weird not to work and I definitely missed being around the Band Kids, but I really enjoyed traveling. For the month of July I traveled to Washington D.C., Oregon, and California before heading back to Alaska. It was nice to see my Linfield friends (and professors) and my beloved home. There was so much to do and see and I didn't get around to all of it. In the end, the trip was very worth it and I hope to do more traveling next summer!

I came back to St. Michael in the beginning of August with two guinea pigs. Don't take me to a pet store. By looking at a guinea pig that looked so sad in her cage, I decided that she needed a home and a friend. So, now I have Oppa (Ah-puh). Pippi and Oppa became fast friends and keep each other company. It's fun to watch them run around my room together. Plus, the kids are really excited that I have TWO piggies to play with now. Speaking of kids....

I am not teaching Pre-K this year as I intended. As of 5 days before school started I became the new 8th grade teacher. My school was still looking for a teacher to fill that position and I stepped up and asked if my principal would consider me. People ask me why, so here is a short explanation.

I wanted to have my own classroom with hours that I'm used to. With new administration I also wanted to stay in the big school because I very much like their philosophies and wanted them to guide me as a new teacher. Staying in the big school and being around teachers and students that I have come to know well has been very beneficial to me. My confidence as a teacher has increased. Also, I took a class at the beginning of the summer where I learned Kagan structures. I didn't want to forget the things that I learned and I knew I would be able to implement them in my 8th grade class (I have been and it is wonderful!). Even though I am an elementary teacher at heart, I'm happy that I made this decision. Times have been hard sometimes, but when are they not? I still get to see my elementary students and I still can identify the criers. On the positive, I haven't had nearly as many behavior issues! Everyone has told me that I have a very difficult class this year (and it is difficult), but I think my class last year was more so.

Other new things this year...

I get to be the volleyball coach! I'm really excited; it is Mixed 6 so I will have boys and girls on a team. It's only a week away!

I'm also really excited to say that I have a boyfriend. He is the 7th grade teacher here and he is so wonderful. Every day is something special with him and I like him more and more each day. I've struggled through some health things and he has been there 100%. I'm excited to continue to get to know him more.

Well, friends, I have put off lesson planning long enough. Once I get internet at my house I will write more! Wishing you all well!

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