Tuesday, December 9, 2014

...And I'm Back!

So it turns out that life is busy. I just completed my first volleyball season as a coach. Being a teacher and a coach has proved to be incredibly difficult. This is especially true in Bush Alaska. While most teams travel via car or bus, I had to travel nearly every weekend by plane. We left on Thursdays and returned on Sunday afternoons. Meaning, I planned for a sub on Friday (and prepped for a possible sub for Thursday too depending on when our flight arrived) and I didn't have time until Sunday to prepare for the next week. I have been exhausted. Coaching had its wonderful moments, but overall, I really did not enjoy coaching. Mainly this is due to the fact that I followed a veteran coach that is much loved. The kids always talked about her and compare me to her. It was really horrible for me and made me sick to my stomach every time. I know that is bound to happen, but I still hate it. Volleyball is over now and it leaves me with two weeks before Christmas break (thank goodness!).

Second quarter is about over...I have kept busy with volleyball, but teaching was right up there. I didn't feel like I could focus on my teaching because so much of my attention was on volleyball. So, I got behind on grading and keeping my classroom clean. I started getting to work later than my usual time, which lost me my morning prep. Simultaneously, we had a HUGE shift in administration because our Superintendent went on administrative leave. Therefore, our principal became the Interim Superintendent and we got an Interim Principal from our neighboring village (he was the assistant principal there). That was a hard transition on all of the students and teachers. It seems that we have gotten very much used to it and are able to keep chugging along.

Even though I felt like I slacked off a lot in my classroom I made a lot of positive changes. We started a program called the PRIDE Plus Program. This required students to be on time to class, be respectful, and complete assignments in order to receive a "yes" stamp. If the student does not meet one or all of the expectations they receive a "no" and have to serve 30 minutes of detention after school. There are a few more components to it, but it has worked really well! Office referrals have decreased drastically within the past month and a half. Another change that has been made is that of learning goals. In college we are taught about learning goals and that they are supposed to be posted, etc. Well, when you become an actual teacher this becomes extra energy that often gets pushed aside. Because our evaluations this quarter are focusing on learning goals, I have done a really good job at posting them and making students rate themselves on how well they understand and are meeting the goal. There are a few other smaller things that have been added to my classroom routine to make it a more positive and enjoyable atmosphere, but there is still much to do!

I have been pretty homesick lately, so I am very much looking forward to seeing my family at the break. I'm excited that my sisters will be there also! It should be a lot of fun and hard to say goodbye. My boyfriend and I will be spending two weeks away from each other (the longest amount of time yet!) as he travels to Minnesota to see his family. We're still going strong and we expect many more months together.

In the meantime, I have a Christmas program to prepare for! Last year my 4th graders played recorders, this year my 8th graders are going to play boomwhackers. It has been a very interesting experience trying to teach 8th graders to play boomwhackers and not Star Wars....It's a work in progress and I only have a week left until the show (yikes!).

Well, that is all for now; I have summarized the big things. Hopefully, now that volleyball season has ended, I will be more diligent with my blog. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Sending my love to all.

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